Before I continue, let me just say or inform those of you hoping to see some cool pictures today to just close this blog window RIGHT NOW!!! Ain't nobody got time for that right now. This is serious.
**now back to the matter** in wizkid's voice...
Why is Nigeria so hard? Why are things so difficult? With the wealth of resources this idiot nation has( I am patriotic, and yes this country is full of idiots), we still suffer daily and I mean daily. Let's take the current situation now. There is no and I mean NO fuel to buy in Lagos state, the purported city of excellence (excellent and frustrating...). I just don't get it. Let's take a more critical look at this.
I have been (dude's when I say "I", I don't mean "I", I mean "we") working very hard the whole month. Everyday on the steady grind, working a job that isn't passion inspiring. Travelling, within Lagos, from Benin to Lagos everyday. I bet the average Lagosian spends an average of 6hrs on the road daily in hold up. Chai, wait oh. Let is sink in, I mean, in a month, you spend ONE FULL week sitting in traffic, sweating, inside bus even inside car. You are there your life wasting right before your eyes. But why go through the stress......because you need the cash. To eat, to flex, to invest, to smoke and drink and chase women, to pay tithe. Basically you do all this to earn a living or should I shay survive.
Thankfully, you get paid, the standard of your life increases and you are happy...... momentarily. yes it lasts for a moment, because before you know it, some greedy and self righteous group of normadic and egotistical bastards decide that they are going to go on strike and stop selling the most demanded commodity in the whole world, FUEL.
For those who have cars, at first they be like, "ah i will just buy a full tank now to take me for the week". While sitting at the tail end of a 3hr traffic that has been worsened by the fuel scarcity, they realise that their assumption was that of a fool who build a stone castle in the sky. The fuel lasts for only 2 days. And then, the ULTIMATE SEARCH for fuel starts again. This time, you are armed with your keg cos the fuel in your generator too has finished.
I mean, I may be rambling. But i don't even care. Its so annoying sometimes that when you actually find a filling station that has fuel, there are like a million cars there. After 2 hrs, its finally your turn. They now tell you, "oga, we can only sell 2 thousand inside your car, we don't sell in keg". You begin to vibrate like a nokia 2100 whose battery is about to die. Of course to no avail, in this case the customer is not king.
Its just sad I swear. Its still ongoing as I write this. I am really surprised that the NLC has not declared a nationwide strike to bring things to normalcy. Or even the people whose rights are quietly being downtrodden have not decided to occupy Lagos. Which makes me ask, what is REALLY happening? Why are we suffering so hard? Are Nigerians supposed to take pride in the fact that all this sufferations (this is not a real word biko) makes us stronger? That is one of the biggest fallacies ever.
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No Nigeria, Shame on you!!! |
we need to do something. We need a better Nigeria. One where there are no fuel scarcities, our refineries work and our youths are better primed as leaders of a brighter tomorrow.
Am so angry am sending this one out without editing it. No elaborate goodbyes either. Angry nigerian out. #Angrynigerian
It's really frustrating...God help us!
ReplyDeleteI swear down, this is my most violent rant yet!!! Thanks for posting tho
Deletewe (me inclusive) have grown lazy. we sit and complain amongst our seemingly helpless friends and acquaintances and get back to normalcy (we are used to it). Our threshold for endurance is so high and with each passing experience it gets even higher *phew. I think its a question of who will bell the cat? who will take the first step. As easy as it may seem or sound, that new Nigeria we all crave for (though in different ways) will not come easy cos some people thrive in the midst of the anomalies.
ReplyDeleteMarian, I swear down. I could kiss you right now cos you rreally understand exactly where I am coming from. There is so much that needs to be done to free ourselves from over-dependency. I mean share these things. Let others get their voice in. Together we can chart a course for a sustainable future.