Friday, 22 May 2015

The Blood, The Sweat and The Tears!!!

Alright, everyone shut up for a minute about how big kim kardashian's ass is. Let's all forget for a moment that ISIS is gradually taking over Syria and will soon occupy Iraq. If its possible, I hope we would be able to take our thoughts away from how much the world actually hate Justin Bieber but still has MILLIONs of fans on both Instagram and Twitter and possibly every other form of social media out there. Lets ignore the fact that slowly google is taking over the world or forget about the fact that Buhari has inherited what seems to be a broken down economy. . . I beg you my devoted readers, to focus our attention to something more critical. Something that I have been wanted to ramble about for sometime. Infact, this particular work of rant (not a typo) will start with a question. Why is Nigeria so hard?

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Hello my fellow Niangryrians....hmmmm (interesting combination of the words angry and nigerian). Wow wonders really never do end. Before I continue with this particular post let me just say "HAPPY NEW YEAR"....woohooo!!! *sounds of bangers bursting* Call me the angry procastinator. Imagine this kinda medicine after death. I know most of you don't really care whether the felicitations are coming in late or not but guess what??? *evil buhaha* i don't really care either. I just wanted to do something nice for a change..ah yes, Nice...*Yuck@nice!!!.. That's not really my style...Nice is an ingredient that doesn't go down well in the angry nigerian's soup, so back to the much anticipated angriness.
The year is far spent, so many things have gone down that people were expecting the angry man to comment on i didn't. Wanna know why? I have this slave mine i report to everyday...its called my JOB!*psst* "Don't tell my boss I said that". Well, I am back now, I won't let no modern day slave trade hold down my passion for pissing people off. So to begin this my new season, I want to start this first post of the year with something different. I want people to know for real how ANGRY nigerians can be or really are. I am NOT going to spend the next few hours typing like an underpaid secretary...oh no! Picture they say, speak a thousand words. Check out this pixies (lol, plural for pix) after a word from our sponsors.....