Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Work, Money and Everything in between.

Hi again, hw long hs it bin? W@? 5months? did any1 miss me @ all? No1 even asked of me??? Mscheww. . . Fake a** pple. Don't even know why I bothered to come here and say "Hi" sef... its not like anybody takes out time to read this meaningful crap....Mschewwwwwww........That of course, is by the way side. Truly there is only one reason why I came here. and guess what?? Its not to impress you, Its just to let you know that....I am angry  (Duh, the name of the blog is ANGRY nigerian). Anyway, wanna find out y am so angry...Stick around!!!
Aii, so av bin wondering the last couple days, y do we live our lives, spend our time, expend our energy and blow our money to help build another persons dream into a reality. It doesn't make any sense to me. If i am allowed to confess, i wud tell u that behind this super duper handsome face
 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(if you hate me then......#ActivateTransformerHuggingProcedure)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

and exceptionally impeccable writing skills (lol, i said skills) is a man that really and I mean REALLY dislikes the fact that we spend so much of our life source working for people who neither fully appreciate our values or accurately reward us for our efforts.

As a business major, (yes I have an MBA. Unbelievable right!!?), where was I? Ah yes, herr errm...*clear throat*... As a business major, I understand that for any business to make profit you have to manage your cost so that it creates enough margin for profit. That being said. Do you know, no matter the organisation you work for. You are just as disposable as a used RAG, yes i said it. A rag. To be used and used and used until you cannot be used anymore. if you are lucky, you will be discarded gracefully after years of putting in hard work for your boss with a sum of money that is meant to compensate you for all the hard work, waking up early to be in d office b4 7am, working late nights without overtime,dealing with the stresses (emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, sexual ..how do i put a bracket inside another bracket[hmmm] <<this worked>>[yes sexual stress, cos you are too tired to give your wife the capital D when you get home after a long day) of life and sleeping very late at night is. Do you also know, that while you work so hard to make nutpeas, your boss who you worked so hard for makes about ...oh i dunno....ten to like one million times what you make?

Crazy right? Why though? What separates the worker bee from the royal bees? Why will we or should we be stuck in the eternal rat race (robert kiyosaki's fave phrase)? What will it take to break the norm and burst into the realm of abundance? When will going to the petrol station looking all tushed up and then telling the attendant to put #500 (yep, five hundred naira) fuel into your tank end? lol... this last one is crazy but true... 

I don't know when it will end for you. Shit, for some it ends in their graves. Killed by the same stresses they thought they were making money to relieve themselves from. Its kinda sad. This sadness makes me angry of course. 

WARNING!!! EMOTIONAL OUTBURST NEXT!!!  I mean, i regard all men as equal. created the same in every way. although, you all are certainly special and unique but Mostly the same fundamental make-up. i want a fulfilled life for all of you. I know that all the stress you face makes you unhappy. The long hours at work. and with the Lagos traffic intent on stealing your destiny. makes you seem like all of it is not worth it. this makes me sad and am sure you are sad too right? oh sorry, i meant REALLY sad too? i know how you feel. you see, your sadness (and mine) makes me angry!!! END OF EMOTIONAL OUTBURST.

So in my anger, am gonna advise you. Try to identify what you love. I mean what you REALLY love. i doesn't matter what it is....find it. Invest time and energy into it. Develop your capabilities in it. Grow it, develop it. But most importantly, find a way to make money off it. That way, you know you are happy doing what you do. That in my opinion is how to become a billionaire. Any objections???? #GFU O__O

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