what happening people. Lemme just say, that i am a little less angry today, why???? Its my Birthday.... *Big Grin* (For real, no april fool), even though i know most of you don't give a rats _ _ _ (fill in the blank spaces here), just thought i should put it out there.Phew!! Now thats over and done with, Oya back to the matter #wizkid'svoice. There is this story i read on the most popular blogspot in Nigeria (if you don't know it, then....i apologise, i cannot help you) Homeless Mom Jailed for leaving Kids in Car. And we were asked after a heart wrenching story of what our thoughts on the matter were. Wanna know what an angry nigerian thinks about the situation???? Continue Reading, I dare you......
Ahhhh, you continued... you are on your own oh. Let me state right now that this is one angry man's opinion on the matter. So do not even try to judge or else...
Ahhhh, you continued... you are on your own oh. Let me state right now that this is one angry man's opinion on the matter. So do not even try to judge or else...
First of all, i read alot of nigerians opinion on what happened in the united states regarding the matter. Mad yarns like, "Oh, she is so inconsiderate. why did she leave the kid in the car. She could have killed them" or some other ignorant shhhhh like "why couldnt she get baby sitters, for what stupid job". One person even went as far as saying, "she could have taken the kids in with her, and told the interviewer straight in the eyes and say i don't have a help and can't pay for babysitter" like its from a script to some incredible american movie that will smith acted with his son (pursuit of happyness and not after earth #BIKO).
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This one, Not AFTER EARTH #Biko |
Now while some other people, mentioned above, display their apparent insensitivity. there are others that have maintained a neutral. Acknowledging that she was wrong, but she didnt have a choice... Hmm thats a strong word, CHOICE. Lets examine that for a minute.
For those people that wanted her to get babysitters, the last time i checked a HOUSE (i use capital letters on purpose here) was a pre-requisite for inviting babysitters over. Let me be the one to remind you, the woman was HOMELESS. the option of babysitter was immediately eliminated by that. Her house, her car, was where she housed herself and her children (i wonder where they sleep, eat or bath). No babysitter would work under such conditions me thinks.
Her Choices were limited. She saw an opportunity to give her children something better than a life of living out of a car and she jumped at it. I know mothers, they can kill a lion for attacking her children. They can starve themselves to make sure their children happy. I can bet before she went in for that interview, she thought to herself, "Damn, i have no where to put these children now. what do i do? i can't call sheniqua, she's a crackhead. And tee-shaunda is living with a man who is a child molester. (or some other crazy shit)....the best bet i have is to keep them in the car. I won't be long. I should be done with that interview in an hour tops. Ok, I'll do it." And as she left the car she prayed, "God, please....protect my children".
During the interview, as the interview queried her about her life and her persona... she quietly thought to herself as she answered the questions with the calmest of demeanour " this guy should hurry the f%*k up, so i can get the hell outta here". and am sure when she heard the "that will be all thank you", she hurriedly rushed outside to see if her babies were alright. Guess who was waiting for her......POLICE!!!
She was promptly arrested, and not just detained. Not warned, But full on Jailed for the negligence. she must have been devastated. "How could they do this to me?" They took away her kids, AND jailed her on top of it. I mean, look at the woman's face....
Anyway.....I think she doesn't deserve jail time. She deserves however a real job. One that would help a determined mother of two take care of her family. taking away her children to child services, and them going through all sorts of foster homes is even worse cos they may eventually turn out to be menaces to society because they were deprived of a love from a mother like this.
Thats America for you sha.... what can I say? Already said more than enough. #AngryNigerian
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